The last days of the year 2015 are passing by... so I will show you what I achieved the last 3 weeks.
So far I am very satisfied with my results... Not everything is possible due to time limits and only one man work.
So... these following pictures will show you the new city and harbour buildings...
Some more christmas presents...
New industrial buldings...
1. Radio station
2.General building
4.Small Depot
5. Big Depot
Hi guys!
Christmas is coming and I bring you some tall presents...
Have a look:
... Part III ... new big houses:
Improving the pace... so.. again some new buildings for harbours...
today I present medium houses:
Hey guys!
In the last days I worked at a personal project for SH3 which bothered me since SH3 stock game is out and graphics improved over the last 10 years.
So I decided to start this little project in the overall WAC update.
For years the harbour structures were pain for eyes so I collected...
Hi guys!
Meanwhile I did not create something totally new... in the last months and years there were awesome mods released which should be included in the next WAC5.0 version... so I added some of them the last days... Volumetric Clouds, Underwater Plancton and New Clearsky Mod by Rubini, High...
Hi guys!
The last days I have been messing around with some stock particle effects which I thought could be improved...
So I added some things to all player subs:
1. New Bow Spray (which has big particle effect in waves and less particles in calm sea)
2. New Conning Spray
3. New Waterspray for...
Hi guys!
Small update here.... I just added the animated crew released Wurmonkel&Mchalo from MS Forum (animations by Diving Duck and assitance by Anvart from Subsim Forum) to all new interior rooms.
Have a look:
Hi guys!
Maulhelden... nichts als Maulhelden... or... better would be.. we got him!
I present the last missing two interior rooms for the type IX: 1. e-machine room 2. aft torpedo room
TYPE IX INTERIOR is now FULL accessible!
Have a look: