Hi guys!
Just made a small preview trailer of the upcoming SH3 type II engine room...all is WIP (Work In Progress)
Not finished yet and stil errors there...
Hi everyone!
The last few day I have been busy.... with the help of good men I realized to port SH4 work to SH3.
But have a look.... the type II engine room:
Thx for your support Tommi_99 and thx for motivation Blitzkrieg!
Hi everyone!
Maybe you read of or maybe not...
but.... after a long break from Silent Hunter and a short trip to Silent Hunter 5 I want to update this old Silent Hunter 3 Mod, so that the most important mods
of the last months are included.
Stay tuned....
Republished my WAC homepage because of some improvisatons.
Url-name now is: www.war-ace-campaign.webnode.at
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This is the new blog... it will show news of WAC developement.